Monday, October 16, 2006

Herring as heaven

G-d creates the great Taninim the leviathans. If they would procreate the earth could not survive. G-d kills the female leviathan and salts her for the righteous in the world to come ahh Herring as heaven. The male survives ...
The word leviathan is connected to the word levi which means connection. The leviathan symbolizes a level of divine service where the individual is one with G-d at all times. The male in a relationship gives a drop and in the womb of the female it develops and expands and is born into this world. Humanity cannot afford the female leviathan model where we are connected to the divine at all times in a constantly expanding way leaving no room for earth. We need to be connected to the world as well. We do need the male leviathan the drop of connection at all times and places. In the future with the coming of Moshiach we will all consume the female leviathan and make it part of us. For now our focus must be bringing G-d into this world.

likutei sichos vol. 5 pgs. 16-23


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