Monday, October 16, 2006

The introduction to Rashi on the Torah is the first Rashi

The Rebbe's learning of Rashi reveals a highly systematic approach and my tidbits will conceal more than they reveal of the incredible edifices built by reasoning, logic, and analysis of every detail of Rashi including what he does not say. After asking many questions the rebbe will present an approach that answers all the questions in one swoop. I am just going to record some of the conclusions. (the italicized words are Rashi)

In the beginning Said Rabbi Isaac: It was not necessary to begin the Torah except from "This month is to you," (Exodus. 12:2) which is the first commandment that the Israelites were commanded, .
As a unique people, because the commandments such as bris and not eating the sciatic nerve were given to the children of Israel before they were become a Nation through the exodus and the giving of the torah.

Now for what reason did He commence with "In the beginning?" Because of [the verse] "The strength of His works He related to His people, to give them the inheritance of the nations (Ps. 111:6). For if the nations of the world should say to Israel, "You are robbers, for you conquered by force the lands of the seven nations [of Canaan],

Nations conquer territory and it becomes their own. When stronger nations arise they take it from the erstwhile conquerors and it changes ownership again. The complaint of the nations of the world to the Jewish people is: You Jews did not conquer a land. You transformed it! You have created qualitative changes in the land it is no longer a piece of land like the rest of the globe it is now something tied to your essence. Even when you are exiled it is called your land. You are thieves you took something that does not belong to you the essence of the land. We all used to have the potential to make it our own like any other piece of real estate now you guys took that ability away from us. that is stealing! To that you have no right!

they will reply, "The entire earth belongs to the Holy One, blessed He; He created it
and he can change the essence of land if he wants to.

and gave it to whomever He deemed proper.
The Jewish people right from creation

When He wished He gave it to them,
To the nations of the world for a short while in order that we later transform this land of the nations into the land of Israel when he gives it to us after we undergo our slavery in Egypt and our trek through the desert

and when He wished, He took it away from them and gave it to us.

The deeper dimension is also within Rashi once one understands the simple level.

A child learns the whole torah before he is born while in his mother's womb and then is given a tap and he forgets it. Torah has to be studied and toiled (not exactly the method I am using in this race through the sichos) ya gotta sweat! No bread of shame no free lunch!
Therefore the child has to forget everything. However he learns it all before birth in his mothers womb in the world of emanation (malchus of atzilus) before the soul becomes a creation. He learns an otherworldly Torah a torah not bound by creation. Later on after birth when he acquires the torah through his own struggles the Torah of atzilus can shine through, the Torah the way it is above creation can shine into this world.

In a similar fashion the Jewish land is give us even before we are born as a people. It is then taken from us and given to the other nations. When the Jewish people conquered the land they had the power and transformed it into something so different from any other land that no other nation has a right to it. It is now one with the Jewish people for all eternity.

Torah as well takes a journey through the four worlds parallel to the four dimensions of Torah study called Pardes. The torah travels from the world of emanation of atzilus where the mystical torah is queen down to this world of action where the simple meaning finds her home.

The paradox is that it is though struggling with the simple meaning that the inner dimensions open up. In a similar fashion it is in this world of action which is a world of deceit where evil is allowed to flourish that we are able to connect most directly with the divine.

This is also the introduction to Rashi on the torah. Rashi is saying enter the doors of the simple meaning and you will discover the inner dimensions the wine of the wine within the grape

interesting footnotes: 21 One may use a lulav grown on land taken by one state from another in war for whatnations conquers in war is not called stealing. Shulchan aruch harav 649:10. footnote 36 quotes an opinion in tosfos "deamar" in avoda zara 20a that the prohibition against idol worshipers settling in Israel should not be limited to the seven nations

Likutei sichos vol. 5 pg.1-15


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